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Sadly, but its very true, that we always want what we can not have, in most cases it will be other peoples handsome or attractive partners, sometimes this includes their houses, cars and luxurious lifestyle, their acquired wealth and status, possible distinguished family and friends, in fact anything that is eye catching, may appeal to the unsatisfied mind. the whole idea smacks of envy and grudge, which perhaps may have began at an early age with some individuals, and has progress to enviable maturity.
Envy is a complex puzzling emotional trait, which can launch unbalance feelings towards others. It may not be in keeping with appropriate adult behavior. This mode of imbalances can put greater constraints on the vision of what other individuals may have worked for. But there is an even greater danger in been envious of what other people have, the prospect makes individuals behave in a dysfunctional manner.

But I guess the real sympathetic reason why we always want what we cannot have, is because the public display looks better than what the onlooker conceive it to be. Even though most of us have what others already have, we just can not see our own benefits.

This trait is often seen in the playfulness of children, where kids will want other children's toys to play with, and when they are tired of the novelty, afterwards for no apparent reason, they will decide to discard them, adults behave pretty much the same way as children do, we want what does not rightly belong to us, the desire to possess illegitimately can also spurn on an individual to disobey the law.

Wanting what others have becomes a haunting desire which if people are meditating upon, they will loose their way in life and finally make decisions which could be detrimental, wanting something that is desirable is good but only in the right context.

Sharing is a good way of caring, but care does not take away the desire to have what belongs to another, the wanting will still be there, adults just have to learn how to control their impulses, and keep things in perspective as we mature daily.

Sharing and caring establishes the bridge of friendship, and build concern community with people in need of help, caring and sharing is the centre of independent living, raising the awareness not to possess what others have but to give from the heart the benefit of something more lasting and appreciated.

Most of people work hard for what they have, building up substantial resources over the years, while others may looked upon them with envy and jealousy, those who want what others have wrongfully, may never have known what amount of sacrifice was made by individuals advancing to where they are, the grass only looks greener on the other side because of ignorance.

Ignorance is a state in which a person lacks knowledge, and is unaware of something that could be damaging and potentially explosive, not knowing how other people come by what they have, makes a person incapable of knowing the true sense of justice, and puts a limit on what they believe to be relevant, this unreliable source is the present state of ignorance.

But if we can learn how to appreciate what we have, and be thankful with little or much, our life will become a whole lot more meaningful, and rather than been children discarding each new toy after several twist and turns, we ourselves will be the precipitants of greater satisfaction and be happy with what we have.

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