Whether it was someone in your childhood or someone you may not even know personally, we all tend to want to aspire to "be" like someone. We have all witnessed things that have shaped us. I have had several people like this in my life and have been blessed by positive influences from people who took their time and energy to teach me something or help me when they didn't have to. I have, unfortunately, had my share of negative influences also and just like most people I struggle daily with keeping my attitude, emotions, and actions in check! Sometimes those negative influences can serve you well as an example of how not to be. Parents are our first examples, of course. In most cases that is a good thing, but in some cases, unfortunately, this causes most of the issues of dysfunction in a person's life. I personally have always had a fascination with people, why they behave the way they do, why some are so successful and why some are not. I believe each individual is gifted by God with talents and abilities to contribute to this life as our purpose or calling, whatever you want to call it. I have always tried to be conscious of finding my own personal path. Even when I was a young girl I remember wondering about the differences of people, "If God created us all equal why doesn't everyone end up equal?" I didn't know it but I was determined to be one of those who figured it out! I have always worked hard and given anything I was doing all of my effort and that philosophy of determination has served me well for all my life. However, these questions still loom in my mind, even though I have somewhat grown up and learned all about that thing called "free will." It's very difficult to acknowledge that once we are old enough to make choices for ourselves we can't blame anything on our parents, our circumstance or anything or anyone else really. We have to own up to our own life and live it the way we choose. In whatever we do each day we are making a difference in our world, to the people we are in contact with whether you know them or not. It is our choice to determine what direction that difference will go in. So, let's commit to make it the best we can with the resources and abilities we have been given one day at a time.
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Here are the clues…
1) We don't feel old. (That should be enough… but OK… here are more clues…)
2) We still do a lot of the things we did when we were "younger"… like biking, running, hiking, etc.
3) We can still remember being our kids' ages. (Yes, that does scare us)
4) We still have dreams and goals. (No dreams and goals = not living)
5) We're still learning. (Again, not learning = not living)

There you go… proof that we're still young.
If we look at life this way, then age truly is a state of mind. Yes our kids are getting older… but they're still young…. and yes, our "age" counted in years may indicate we're not kids anymore… but darn it, we're definitely still young too.
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I always keep thinking why money is important in life. Why can't we live our life without those piece of papers? In our life cycle, we face all type of circumstances that we never dreamt of. Life is full of happiness, joyful, excitement, fulfillment, appreciation, dedication, determination, hope, confidence, emotions, love, sadness, sorrow, selfishness and enemies. Some of the words I mentioned above such as happiness, joyful, excitement and fulfillment can be satisfied by money. But not everything in life can be satisfied by money like appreciation, dedication, determination and confidence. These things come in life only by the hard work that you do in life. It is not necessary that the hard work which you did now will benefit you right after it. Sometimes, you rewards are on your way a too little bit late then expected. If you are hard working, plan your future right, then also you didn't get what you expected, then there is no need to get upset in this case. It means that there is something more exciting in the box waiting for you ahead. I met some people in life who say that without money nothing is possible in life. But I say without right thinking nothing is possible. If you think right in life, your future will be bright. Without thinking and wasting precious time, how can you get money in life? Now time reminds me that always respect time in life. People who don't respect time are most in failure side. They always tend to miss things in life. I respect time a lot. So whatever is impossible in life, even that turns as possible. But remember if you respect time. As impossible also says that I Am Possible! I dont say that money is not important in life, but you should respect time. It will really help you in your near future. Money is a way to fulfill your requirements in life. With money you can buy everything in the world, but remember that you will never be able to buy true love! Love is not a thing that you get in the market. Maybe in other way, but thats not true love. Thats called rented love. True love will happen once in life, so never turn back or runaway from it, infact enjoy the precious moments of your life when you find her or him. So at the end, if you think right and well planned in life, you have money, true love, your family and your excitement and fun thats awaiting infront of you!

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You have to be a little strange to want to do a doctorate. You'll be giving up the chance to earn some real money in a steady job, for several years of little or no money. You'll be losing the simplicity of regular hours and a boss who tells you want to do, for the complications of setting your own agenda and planning your own work. Why do you want to do a doctorate? No, really. Why? You need to be very clear in your mind what the reasons are. Thankfully, there are some very good reasons why a normal, sane person would choose to do a doctorate.
If any of these make sense to you, then you are on the right track.
To achieve something significant

Those who have ambitions to make money should become entrepreneurs. But if you are ambitious in that you wish to challenge yourself, push yourself to new heights or achieve a difficult goal, then a doctorate may be for you.

To discover or learn something new
Those who never lose their childlike curiosity of the world make great researchers. If you feel a driving force pushing you to explore and learn new things, then you may love research, and find a doctorate is perfect for you.

To improve yourself and your life
Doing a PhD for the sake of a pay rise is not a good reason. But if you want to improve your abilities to understand and solve problems, increase your confidence, make yourself a better communicator and gain skills that may lead to a better job, then a doctorate may be right for you.

It fits you
Some people are made for a doctorate. You might have grown up doing countless little 'research projects' as hobbies. You might have a natural thirst for knowledge or an insatiable appetite for reading books about a particular topic. You might have had a life-long fascination - even obsession - about something significant. If this sounds like you, and you can tailor a doctorate to suit your particular needs, then you'll love it.
Most of us have several reasons for wanting to do a doctorate, and of course they're not all good.
Here are some common bad reasons why some people consider a PhD
Peer pressure
If you're thinking of a doctorate because all your friends are going to try, well done on having some clever friends. But you will have to do the doctorate, not them. How will you feel if they all achieve their PhDs while you struggle on, year after year, getting further and further into debt?

Horrible job
If you are doing a job that you hate and just want to quit - then find another job. A PhD is not an escape hatch through which you fall into a better world, it is a long steep staircase that takes extreme perseverance to climb.

Fulfilling the ambitions of others
If your partner think that you should do a doctorate because they wished that they had - tell them to do one themselves. It must be your own ambition that drives you, not the ambition of anyone else. Otherwise you will resent them during the tough times of your work and blame them if it goes wrong.

If everyone is telling you to go and get a job and you don't like being told what to do, then make sure you are rebelling towards something you want, and not simply away from irritating parents or a boring town.

Misplaced genius complex
If you think you are brilliant and will solve all of the world's problems, but every one of your undergrad lecturers is telling you that your ideas are unworkable and that you are not cut out for a doctorate - it is quite likely that they are right and you are wrong.

You might feel that your talents are never appreciated and you crave more respect from people around you. Perhaps you like the idea of impressing by showing a credit card with 'Dr' on it. This is not as daft as it sounds, for doctors do genuinely receive preferential treatment, and in some countries are treated with enormous respect. You are more likely to get a better job as well. However, if insecurity is your main driving force then you may struggle, for you will be surrounded by professors and post-docs who are more experienced than you throughout the course of your PhD. You will receive respect from them when you earn it, not because of the `Dr' which they have themselves.

You've done this kind of thing before
If you have worked in a similar area, you may have already done research or activities very similar to those that you will do during a doctorate. Or perhaps you have done a research-based project for your MSc. This is excellent experience and will help you, but a word of warning: most people think they know what they are letting themselves in for, and they are wrong. An undergraduate or MSc project does not give a proper taste of a PhD any more than a beansprout makes a Chinese meal. Working in industry is very different from academia. Even for someone with experience, the doctorate is not as easy as you might think.
Hopefully, you will find that more of the good reasons apply to you than the bad ones. Be honest with yourself. You are thinking of embarking on something that can change your life, either for better or worse, depending on you.
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For some people, high school is the high-point of their life. They had a good group of friends and they felt loved and accepted by others. For many people, high school way a great time because they didn't have to worry about the real-world pressures that come with getting a job and earning an income to support a family. If you have lost touch with some of your high school friends over the years, you are not alone. There are millions of people out there that wish they could re-connect with their old high school friends and find out what they are up to.
Since high-school is a closed-nit group, it is not uncommon for people to make great friendships. Some of your best friends in life may come from your Physics class or from the any discussion group. If you are good about keeping in touch, you probably know what some of your best high school friends are up to. If you aren't as good about keeping in touch, you probably live far away from one another and you haven't talked to them since graduation day.

Just because you lose some of your friendships over the years it doesn't mean you can't make them again. Most high school friends can pick up right where they left off even if it has been 20-30 years. A good friend will always hold a special place in your heart and this is for a good reason.
There are several ways to find your old high school friends; here are a few you can try:
  • Use the internet! Social networking sites are a great place to find some old high school friends. Most social networking sites provide a search feature and you can browse for all the members that went to the same high school as you. You can even make the search smaller to find the people that graduated the same year as you. You can do a search for old classmates using their names, just remember that most people will change their names when they get married so they may be under a different name.
  • Browse for friends on social networking sites by viewing your existing friend's contacts. If you went to high school with someone that is already in your profile, you can easily find more friends just by browsing all the contacts that your friends have.
  • Do a Google search for the person. If they have a blog, it normally turns up in the search results. There are other sites that will probably pull up with their name. You can easily find where they work using a Google search.
  • Pay to get you back in touch with some old high school friends. For a low monthly rate, they will do a search for all the people that went to high school with you. If you want to get in touch with some specific contacts, you may have to pay a little extra to do so. is a great way to find your old high school friends if you don't want to do all the searching using social networking sites or blogs.
  • Reverse phone lookups are another great way to find old high school friends. If you still have their contact information, trace their phone number to see if they still live there. If you are lucky, a relative of theirs will still live there and they can get you back in touch with them. Doing a reverse phone lookup will cost you money. If you are looking for a wireless number or a private phone number, it will cost you even more.

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Best Friends Poems, Scraps and Comments for Orkut Myspace

25th August 2010. I have to say goodbye to a friend although I don't want to do that. Goodbyes are hard. Forever goodbyes are the hardest. And that blows my mind, because it shouldn't be happening. We know life isn't fair. Nice people shouldn't die early. And people with perpetual smiles on their faces are too precious to die early. He was all that. He was too nice. Maybe you've been lucky to know someone like that but now he is no longer with us. And that's certainly too early to end a life. Throughout the day I was shocked and sad. That's to be expected, if you've never experienced a suicide of a friend. It's hard to really know why some decide to end it all. Even if someone leaves a note or experiences great loss, we still can't totally fathom a satisfying answer to the horrible, haunting question, "Why?" Yet all I feel is sad - and scared. Why scared? See, I know his grin was sincere. It was no charade. I know he loved life. So what lurks behind the smiles and laughs I see in my friends every day? Are they real, a mask or something in between? Do we really know them? Even worse, do we really know ourselves? I don't know the answer. All I know is, like a lot of others – I'm going to miss him.
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Maybe you should think about this question first…
What job are you doing now in your daily life? Do you ask people this question or are you the one being asked? If you are found hanging around at home every weekday, people will start asking: ”You are not going to look for a job?” You will be blacklisted in their heart as “No determination or Lazy” until the day you go to work, isn’t it?
It’s normal; everyone goes to work after finishing their college years in the adult age. Many chose the line they studied and some are not. This depends on your decision on who you want to be in future. Climbing the corporate ladder to the top is the goal.
Working is part of our life. Everyone relies on that monthly paycheck for bills, expenses and leisure…etc. We’ve to go out to work to earn money. So sad thing is we are all becoming slave of the money. Everyone works hard for it. Why? Because there’s a danger of being retrenched or fired and end up looking for jobs again to be out of that little circle of unemployed.
In working times, its ‘money’ that controls your life and not you control your own life. Artists / singers working harder when they are popular as a day will come that they will no longer popular. So earn more money in this time period. Lifestyle has been controlled by that little paper with your signature – ‘Contract’. For others, they will be carrying loads and loads of debts of their liabilities that signify their ‘rich’ status.
Everyone is happy to get a promotion. Why not? Aren’t you happy to get promoted? But when your income increases, do you know that your income tax also increases? If your yearly income has reached the credit card criteria, you are smiling your way to debts. Time has changes and one person in that particular company has to do multi tasking job that is one person doing a workload of more than one. Health deteriorates as time goes by. More and more people will look for doctors about their stress. All their money goes into the doctor’s pocket and what do you earn? -Medicine.
Work hard but work smart. Money and health, which is more important? If your health breaks down, how are you going to work? When the working hours are over, don’t talk or think about it during leisure time. Let go is a way to relax. As the Chinese says ‘Rest is to go further’. Make good use of your work leaves. Take a break from work is good. When you received your paycheck, pamper yourself like going to spa or reward yourself with a small gift for the hard work. If there is a need, change to a new environment; make some new friends to expand your network. Anyway, it’s how you look at this matter and this is just my personal views.
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