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It is a good if you can get along with family but the truth is that sometimes a "person's family" is too toxic to continue to associate with. I see many families that really horrible people. It's a myth that all families are good. If you have a family like that, you have to distance yourself. Sometimes, their family is your trouble and you are better off taking your chances alone instead of allowing negative, destructive people invade your life!


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I don’t have any answers to explain how some people can inflict unspeakably horrific actions upon other people.

When we talk about forgiveness, it’s easy for the person to become angry for such an outrageous suggestion. Why forgive when the inclination is to seek revenge? Forgiveness is an internal affair. Forgiveness is a choice made that has little or nothing to do with another person. We forgive entirely and totally for our own sake, not for others. There’s no easy answer and no simple formula for forgiveness. Forgiveness does not happen on its’ own and time does not heal all wounds but when you decide you are ready to let go, then answers of how to forgive will come. Even then, it’s a process. You engage in the choice to forgive over and over and over again. Until finally one day, maybe in the near future or maybe not until many years from now, you realize something is different within you. No longer do you live consumed with anger, you now live in a world where love, peace, safety, and joy are available to you.

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I NEVER treat someone like the "enemy" until he/she gives me reason to treat them... otherwise...I rather like to think people are basically good...I treat men like I want to be treated myself...however, if they show me that they cannot act like human beings, what should I do to them?

Dear friend..

"Don't do anything. Next time he/she comes up to you and starts hurling insults DON'T SAY A WORD. Just look at him/her like he/she is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen, with a little smirk on your face eventually he/she will get bored and walk away. It will drive him/her crazy. He/she is not worth your time and energy. If he/she goes to hit you by all means hit him/her back. But from this moment don't say another word to him/her. He/she is doing this to get a reaction from you, if you don’t react to what he/she is saying he/she will be so shocked. NOT forgiving someone is okay! Depending on who it is/what they did/what happened…some things are just plain unforgivable and that is okay!"

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