Every one of us wants to be happy but do we know the secret to attain this happiness? I suppose 9 out of 10 people will answer in the negative. Most of the people in this category are never happy because they always hanker after happiness. These people never feel content but are perpetually bent on chasing material goals in search of further happiness. In this way most of us are unable to achieve the true happiness in the real sense of the term.
We have to learn to balance our desire to realize true happiness. Human beings’ capacity to desire never comes to an end. People desire a lot many things in their life. It is not possible to attain all these desires but it’s possible to at least celebrate the desires that have been fulfilled. Be happy when you get the reason to be happy, because these reason may not come everyday. People should be happy when they get the chance for the same because those are the blessed people who get the chance. Say for example, if a poor man who lives in a miserable condition and earns a very meager amount. He can’t feed his family two meals a day. One day, by God’s grace he earns some extra money and can have the two meals for his family. So don’t you think he should be happy? Yes he should celebrate the happiness rather than think how he will feed his family the next day.
Too many desires lead to frustration because all your desires cannot be fulfilled. You need to have a healthy balance between desires and acceptance. Celebrate what you have and learn to accept that which you don’t have. We should not ignore the small happiness. In a dull life small happiness can be of great use. When you get bored by the monotonous life, what do you do? Arrange for some parties that will relieve you from the boredom and will give some reasons to be happy. Likewise there are many other ways to enjoy the happiness, but we have to crave for it.
It’s good to have desires in one’s life. Because desires give you the meaning to live your life in order to fulfill those desires. Desires accelerate the drive to do something in the lifetime. But one thing should be taken care of. Your desires should not take away all the pleasures of your life. If you have too many desires then you will always be concerned about fulfilling them. But you should not be so involved in fulfilling all of your desires that you don’t realize that some of your desires have been fulfilled already. In this haste you ignore the reasons to be happy. This is the importance of balancing the desires to realize the true happiness.

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If you follow these 5 steps, no doubt you will get everything you want!

What you need first is to have a strong desire. A desire like a fire! Not like a little flame you have to stir to get some heat going. No, you need a strong desire you must really want to have what you long for! If you want something badly, but you didn’t get it until now, it is your desire was not strong enough! You must really feel the desire to have it in your bones, in your flesh, in your heart. The desire is the starting point, because without passion nothing can happen.

Now you need to set goals. Why? To know where to go! Without goals your desire will get you nowhere and you will turn around in circles like a dog who runs after his own tail. A goal gives you a reason, a purpose. The word goal means to GO ALL the way to get there! Your goal is your direction where your desire will take you. If you are able to see with your mind what you want, you will have it. So the more details you see, the more concrete is your mental image, the more likely you will get exactly what you long for! Goals get your energy running. Goals generate the necessary activity to bring you towards the realization of your dream. A good goal is a statement of what you want in a positive, clear, concrete way and with emotion (remember the fire! Without emotion, without fire, no outcome!). A goal should be written down, to give it more energy, and should be stated in the present time. You write your goal down as if you got it already. And start to act as if you were already there!

You must believe in yourself. You must really be conscious of the fact that you are worth to have what you desire and that you are able to get it, that you got everything you need to realize your dream. Yes you can! Maybe you do not know for now how to get there, but believe in the fact that you will learn step by step how to do it and that you will be guided on your way by coincidences and synchronicity.

A strong desire, a clear positive goal, a strong believe in yourself, what else does it need to make your dreams come true? Positive thinking! The most beautiful dream, the strongest desire and the clearest goal will bring you nowhere if you destroy yourself with a negative belief system. If you have this lousy habit of seeing everything rather black than white, of fearing the worst, of expecting bad things to happen, this mindset will bring you what you ask for: black, fear, bad. A positive mindset lifts you up to the level of universal creation and the universe will conspire with you to give you what you long for.

Consistency. Yes, it is easy to start things. It is easy to quit. But it takes consistency to stay on your road. Did you ever taste the freedom which lies in the fact that, after years and years of practicing the same thing, you became an expert in something? With your eyes closed you can answer any question on the subject and produce almost any result you want? You are an expert now because you did the same thing hundreds of times, over and over again. And now you know! What a freedom! Consistency, not giving up, always going on in the same direction, this brings you freedom at last. Why? Because you don’t need to think and to search anymore on your subject. It became a habit and you have space free in your mind to learn new more demanding stuff. Stay on your road, go on and on, every step will take you to more freedom, happiness and mastery of your life!

These are the five crucial steps to succeed in whatever you want.
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This world is a crowd. We all live in a crowd. Our family, our friends, and our community. All these form a crowd for us not in the dictionary sense, but let us say that we are always getting connected with someone, somewhere and are not living on an island alone. Even then, many of us feel lonely. Are you one of them?
Being lonely means - you are not able to share your deepest thoughts with anyone. You have issues at home. You have issues at office. You have issues with your relatives. You have issues with your friends. You are carrying so much of hurt and guilt inside yourself. You want to do many things, and at times, need help. You don't know, whom to ask? You feel lonely. You feel all alone. You feel that no one understands you. Despite all your trials, you fail to share and convey your feelings. If you talk about office issues with your wife/husband or your girlfriend/boyfriend, you are not able to get any good advice. They all have their suggestions and analysis of your situation, but that differs greatly from what you believe to be true. Therefore, you shut up after talking for a while with them.

You have friends with whom you try to talk about your problems. But they want to tell you theirs first. What is taken quite seriously by you, is considered ordinary by others. What do you do? Should you consult a psychiatrist? How will that help? Your character, and your thinking. Is something wrong with them? Who will tell you? Who will guide? You feel very disturbed at all the times. You want peace in your mind. You go out to walk alone, but your thoughts don't leave you anywhere. This agitation of mind is becoming intolerable. You feel lonely. You want to talk with someone who will understand your point of view and tell you what to do?
Are you one of such people? Do you feel lonely? Do you also feel that you have no one to share your deepest thoughts? Have you started feeling that everyone is selfish? No one has got time for you? No one wants to understand you? No one cares for you?
What can you do in such a situation? You may be feeling helpless, but something ought to be done. The first step in such agitation should be to avoid thinking for some time during the day. Involve yourself in some such activity that takes your mind away from itself. Any activity that will engross you completely. A good movie, a good novel, some magazines, a TV show, any activity that takes the mind away will give some peace. The next step would be to find out if anyone you know is also facing such a state? How does he/she do that? For this you will have to shift your attention from yourself to others. Begin listening to others. Ask them about their problems and listen. You may probably find that there are few others who are also in the same boat. Even if you are not religious, try to talk to God. Tell Him about what all goes on in your life and your mind. Ask Him to help you.
One who feels lonely in the crowd of people, must first raise his/her self-esteem. You must say - 'OK. Other than God, no one will understand what I am facing. That is OK. I will set some exciting goals for myself. I will try to achieve them. For me, my life is very important. I will live my life in such a way that I feel proud of it. I am a good person and I know that. I don't honestly care if others are not understanding me. I will try to understand their problems and help them. Rather than asking for help, let me start giving.'

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The telling and keeping of secrets is a time honored social tradition. As far back as we have the written word, we find instances of people telling, keeping, and betraying secrets. The telling and keeping of secrets is one of the basic human traits, in fact the recognition that you have portions of your life that you want to keep private and secret from others, (including parents), is one of the milestones in the psychological development of children. From our youth until the day we die, we share secrets with others and are told secrets by others. These secrets range from casual, gossipy secrets to heart-rending life altering secrets. Unfortunately, the rules/guidelines governing the telling and keeping of secrets are unwritten, uncertain, and to some degree contradictory.

We have all be told that we should "keep a secret" and "be trustworthy". However, we are rarely (if ever) given meaningful guidelines on what exactly it means to "keep a secret" or "be trustworthy"...much less any guidelines, suggestions, or training on how to accomplish these two goals. On the surface, "keeping a secret", seems to be fairly straight forward. Someone tells you a secret. You keep it. End of story. However, in real life things are often not that clear cut. The contradictions we encounter about keeping secrets start early in life. Parents and children go through an elaborate and often confusing ritual where the child is sometimes allowed/expected to keep a secret while other times the child is not allowed/expected to keep a secret. Sometimes we are praised for keeping a secret, while other times we are punished, and the difference between these two extremes is rarely explained to us by our parents, (assuming that they even know). This confusion and lack of clarity about telling/keeping secrets only gets worse as we get older. The rules and guidelines for telling/not telling blur. Social pressure to share your personal secrets blends with social pressure to reveal secrets you know about others. The following sections discuss the nature of secrets, the general expectations of others, pressures to reveal secrets, and general guidelines on how to keep secrets.

Why do we need to keep secrets?
Everyone has experiences, memories, and feelings they want to keep private or share only with select people. This need to control parts of our personal lives is universal. Equally strong is our need to share experiences, memories, and feelings with other people. These two needs set the stage for the inevitable situation where we have information that we do not want to share with everyone, but that we do want to share with only with a select few. There is a school of thought that suggests we would all be better off not having any secrets. This same line of thought suggests that secrets are unhealthy and counter-productive. While this approach sounds good in theory, in actual practice it doesn't work nearly so well. Some people do spend way too much time and energy trying to keep things secret that should probably not be secret but there are still some things in life that are appropriate to keep secret. Some common (and perfectly acceptable) reasons for wanting to keep a secret...

People would abuse or misuse the information if they had it.

Not everyone would understand and the information would cause more problems than keeping the secret could cause.

Broadly sharing the information could hurt you or someone else.

Simply wanting to control facts and information about your life.

When is it inappropriate to keep a secret?
Understanding when it is inappropriate (or ill advised) to keep a secret is perhaps the most important thing to learn. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast answers for this. Generally speaking there are several general circumstances where keeping a secret may be inappropriate.

When keeping the secret will harm someone else...someone innocent.

When keeping the secret does more harm than telling the secret would.

When the secret itself is illegal, covers up illegal activity, or relates to illegal activity.

When the secret is about something grossly inappropriate or dangerous.

Last but not least...when the secret is something that cannot be kept and will eventually come out anyway. In this circumstance, keeping the secret is futile and unless it doesn't take much energy and won't cause more problems down the line you are better off not even starting.

Why do people look up to you if you can keep secrets?
Simply put, this is matter of trust and integrity. When you keep a secret, you show by your actions that you respect the privacy of the person who shared their secret with you. Your actions further indicate that you respect and care for the feelings of that person. Additionally you reveal strength of character and integrity that others find appealing. Everyone knows how tempting it can be to tell a secret or something they know. Everyone knows how difficult it can be to keep a secret when others are trying to get you to tell. Everyone knows how mean individuals and groups (even friends) can be when someone refuses to tell a secret. Anyone who can stand up to all of this pressure and still keep the secret, reveals a side of their personality that people (even those trying to find out the secret) respect.

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