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There is no other person who is smart enough, or experienced enough, or informed enough or insightful enough to tell you how to live. That’s up to you. Certainly the advice and guidance of others can be extremely valuable. Yet when it comes to expressing and fulfilling the best of who you are, you are the world’s foremost expert. It feels good to be praised and it hurts to be criticized. Always keep in mind, though, that those who offer their opinions of you cannot possibly see the whole picture. Your life is your responsibility. That is simultaneously a sobering obligation and a fantastic opportunity. Successful living is difficult work and yet you are absolutely qualified to do it. You are worthy and capable of creating and enjoying whatever it is that truly fulfills you. Make the commitment, do the work, accept the responsibility that is necessary for that fulfillment. Live the outstanding life that is yours to experience.

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I was always taught to always act happy no matter how I feel mentally. I was raised to keep all my feelings and 'bad' emotions to myself especially around family. I was taught that no one really cares how I always act happy. Sad? Keep it to yourself. Angry? Keep it to yourself. Someone put you down and you want to tell them that? Keep that to yourself too. Everything is always peachy-keen even if my world is crumbling at that moment. I can't rock the boat and telling people my true feelings. Always act happy like there is nothing wrong, don't cause waves. I'm tired of acting this way. Now that I'm an adult, I know that internalizing all those bad feelings and emotions is BAD for me. It causes stress, depression, hopelessness and many other things. I realize that internalizing everything just makes my mental health worse. I'm trying to break out of that mentality. I'm not going to hurt people, but if I'm sad or mad or depressed..I'm going to tell you because until now I still have a hard time telling people what or how I am feeling.

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LOVE”- it is so much more than just a pretty word made up by poets and lyrics writers. Why it is important to find love in life? The answer is very simple. We have three basic needs Food, Cloths and Shelter. I would like to add “LOVE” to the list because everyone wants love and everyone needs to be loved. Everyone feels the necessity to be cared for and treated with tenderness by another person.

Love is the bittersweet emotion that nothing else can be compared to; nothing else can hurt so badly or/and bring as much happiness as love; nothing is more inspiring; nothing is fought for harder than love. And when first love, like a fresh spring breeze, steps in our lives as an uninvited guest and turns our whole world upside down, leaving us to wonder how we could ever have lived without it, we are never the same again. It can change a person to the core. Love makes everything brighter, gives us a feeling of comfort and security. It gives us a reason to get up in the morning and gives us strength to carry on. It gives us a chance to escape from the everyday harshness of the world.

I LOVE YOU” - the three magical words. Everyone wants to say them. Not everyone is lucky enough to find love. Many blame fate or/and keep searching for the perfect to come. But most of the time people have only themselves to blame for it because they hide their true feelings under masks of indifference, too afraid of getting hurt. They don't realize that it is not as bad to have a heart broken as to have it frozen; but that is exactly what happens when people close their hearts to others, isolate themselves in the castles of loneliness built by their own hands.

Although only a few people succeed in it, but still everybody like to love someone. Everybody search for it in some form, may be in girlfriend/boyfriend, a friend, mother, father or any relation available out there. The person who makes our heart pound faster when we see him or/and makes our voice weaker when we talk. The person who understands us even though we haven't uttered a word. The person who can make us feel better on a worst day and can make us laugh when we want to cry.

I do require money, shelter, clothes and all the things available there to make me happy. But more than this I require love to live, let it be in any form. It forms a very simple equation i.e LOVE = LIVE.

"LOVE" - We need to feel it by our heart. There is a secret place in each person's heart where nobody knows the way until that someone special finds a key. So today's new quota is "LOVE MORE, LIVE MORE".

I Love You Orkut Scraps Myspace Comments and glitter Graphics

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