I NEVER treat someone like the "enemy" until he/she gives me reason to treat them... otherwise...I rather like to think people are basically good...I treat men like I want to be treated myself...however, if they show me that they cannot act like human beings, what should I do to them?

Dear friend..

"Don't do anything. Next time he/she comes up to you and starts hurling insults DON'T SAY A WORD. Just look at him/her like he/she is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen, with a little smirk on your face eventually he/she will get bored and walk away. It will drive him/her crazy. He/she is not worth your time and energy. If he/she goes to hit you by all means hit him/her back. But from this moment don't say another word to him/her. He/she is doing this to get a reaction from you, if you don’t react to what he/she is saying he/she will be so shocked. NOT forgiving someone is okay! Depending on who it is/what they did/what happened…some things are just plain unforgivable and that is okay!"

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