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Your self belief directly influences your destiny and success in life. The beliefs that matter most in life are those that are deeply and often unconsciously held. On the surface, you may think that you believe you deserve the best in life but if your deeply and unconsciously held belief is that you are unloved, unworthy, and incapable of achieving the success you desire, then you will find success and happiness difficult to attain.

Success is a gift you give yourself as a direct result of the beliefs you hold about yourself. Therefore, it is extremely important to evaluate your beliefs and become aware of any that are holding you back or even worse, bringing the very things that you don't want into your life.

Success is the result of choosing the right goals for your life and taking the most effective steps to achieve them. Our ability to do both these things is directly affected by the beliefs we hold about ourselves. Do we believe we are capable of achieving our goals? And if so, are those goals truly our own? Being true to yourself is an integral part of genuine success and it is impossible to be faithful to your own needs and purpose in life unless you understand what they are.

This means you need to be consciously aware of your deepest beliefs about life. The starting place of this consciousness is to ask yourself questions and then examine your responses. What is most important to you? For example, if your family is more important to you than your career, then in order to be successful you need to create a lifestyle that supports your family values while pursuing your career goals. If you do not do this, your true beliefs will cause you to sabotage your success.

If you are lonely and would like to experience love and romance in your life but you feel unattractive and expect rejection, you will probably not even try to meet people or will drive people away because of your lack of confidence.

The good news is that when you change your beliefs you change your destiny. Thus, your beliefs directly determine the success you achieve in life. Our beliefs influence our thoughts, feelings, words and actions, all of which paint the canvas of our lives with relationships, experiences, successes and failures. Therefore, if you are not successful in any area of your life, consider your habitual thinking about that area, the words you speak about it and the deeply held beliefs these may reflect.

Repetitive experiences in any area such as job loss, insufficient income and relationship break ups are also an indication of deeply held but often unacknowledged beliefs that can rob you of happiness. Alternatively, your successes also reflect your beliefs. For example, those of you who have overcome difficulties to achieve a goal such as a college degree, promotion or other personal goals have been able to do so because of beliefs that support you.

The obvious and most important belief you can have is that you can actually do the thing you desire to do. If you believe you can't do something then that will be true for you. Fortunately, your self beliefs can be changed and so too can your life.

The first step to changing limiting beliefs is to understand what they are. You can do this by monitoring your self talk. Do you put yourself down a lot? Do you feel like a failure and tell yourself so? Keep a record of what you are telling yourself for a couple of weeks. You are looking for those thoughts that repeat regularly because they will have the strongest impact on your life. Once you have identified them you need to spend some time considering how they may have affected specific areas of your life.

What are the deeper beliefs about yourself that they reflect? Once you have identified the most powerful beliefs that are negatively affecting your life you need to develop strategies to change them. The most effective way to change beliefs is to attack them from multiple angles.

If you believe you cannot accomplish something then you need to begin to do things that will build your confidence in yourself by doing difficult things. Powerful changes can be made to your beliefs about yourself by doing dramatic and frightening things successfully such as sky diving, bungee jumping or learning to do something you have been afraid of such as flying a plane.

Longer term changes to beliefs can be accomplished by rewriting the negative beliefs positively and using them as affirmations. However, the more evidence you can find to prove the truth of these new beliefs the more effective they will be.

Finally, stay away from people who discourage you and try to set in place your old negative self beliefs. Unfortunately, you may need to cut some people out of your life altogether. You need to have people in your life who support your positive new beliefs.

Your beliefs determine your future; they are life and death to you. Therefore whatever undermines your future happiness must be discarded. Your life is a gift to you. Do not let anyone or anything rob you of your best possible destiny.
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