One reason why some relationship decay is anger. Repressed anger or outburst anger is just too of the most dangerous types of anger around which can break even a loving family. When a person gets nagged too much or if gets irritated too much, he may burst his bubble and just trample anyone around like a loosed maniac.
People have their own way of showing those who are around them that they are angry and one of them is being angry immediately shortly after they’ve been insulted or pissed off by something they did not want to happen. This type of person who gets angry almost immediately is quite dangerous to the society and should take up anger management therapy.
The other type is the person who mostly represses their feelings. They are the ones who gets yelled upon but can still smile, or those that gets stepped on by their boss but still finds their bosses faults are their own and apologize. These persons who repress their anger will usually burst and get angry not too easily but when they do, it will be one leave a whole lot of mess. Nonetheless, these two anger types will only cause damage to everyone around them, their loved ones, colleagues, but, the most usual ones who get the heavy blows are the family members.
The best thing to do is, let the storm pass. Let yourself be calmed. Trying to control your anger will be a very difficult task at first. For those who don’t want or don’t need immediate anger management therapy then these are some of the things you should do. Thinks calming thoughts, sing those little ones lullabies, you yourself will surely calm down. Stop watching movies or listening to music that may incite you to get angry easily, have a nice cold bath to ease your boiling blood when you had a fight with someone. Think of how much you love those people around you, your relatives, your wife, the kids, and stop thinking of whatever caused you to be angry, you can deal with any problem once you have clamed down.
You can talk about the problem or any of those that caused you to get angry after you have settled down. Talk to someone who can help you and not someone that will further ignite your rage. Anyways, anything will always be settled in a civil ways, we humans are not governed by anger or rage.