When you trust a person, you believe that they have your best interest at heart. They wouldn't do something to hurt you for the fun of it, or for selfish gain. You earn a person's trust by consistently proving yourself to them. You show them that you will not use them or take advantage of them. You will not abuse their love or their generosity. You will think of them before acting.

Re-earning a person's trust is done in the same way, except it take a much longer period of time. People are very different as to how easily they'll trust others -- some have been seriously hurt in the past and hesitate to trust again. Others are very "trusting," even of those who don't deserve their trust. No matter the individual, you earn and re-earn people's trusts through reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence consistency of character -- you prove that you are trustworthy by your deeds.

Broken trust can take years, even decades to repair. It's a very sensitive, and even awkward, time for the two people involved. If you are the person who has broken another's trust, you can only prove by your actions, words, and kept-promises that you are now on the "straight and narrow" and have no intention of straying again. Hard work, patience, perseverance, and consistent proof is the only way to regain the trust.