Tension and stress are 2 of life's biggest problems today. It is my belief that they can cause any number of problems within your life. From headaches, to backaches, to poor performance on the job, to a non-functioning family life. How do you get some release? How can you get stress to dissipate?

The first thing you've got to realize is that this is the only moment you have. Other than maybe needing to make amends for past actions or words, the past is gone. There is nothing you can do about it. The past does not hold you prisoner unless you give it permission to do so. But giving it permission to do so is only a figment of your imagination. Because the past does not really exist, it cannot receive permission and you can't actually give it. You are free of the past. Believe it.

The second thing you've got to realize is that tomorrow has not yet come. By all means responsibly plan for the future. But do not let something that has not happened, and may never happen, ruin what you have today. Once again, you must know that you have only this moment in which to live. What may or may not occur tomorrow only has the power you give with your mind and emotions. Turn your mind and emotions away from hypotheticals in tomorrow. Live in this moment. Do it.

The third thing you need to accept completely is that nothing and no one is making you be who you are in this moment except you. That's right. No matter who you may have thought was making as you are right now, you are totally responsible. No you cannot control people or events happening around you or to you. But you can control your reactions to what is going on. As your control these reactions, you can be who you want to be. Be it.

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