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It is not always easy to find out what makes people happy. It is also not difficult to find many reasons why they are unhappy. Of course, I can make a very long list of factors hindering someone from being happy, but there is one very particular reason that comes out: fear. Fear has this ability to make us create our own mental prison, from which it can be difficult to escape, and this paralyses us. There are many causes of fear, and I can give here just a few, merely because they are rather obvious examples: fear for your own safety, fear of losing your job, fear of losing someone, fear of rejection, fear of failure, etc. What fear does is actually the opposite of happiness.

When you are happy, you expand, you radiate, and you look ahead and outside. Happiness puts us in motion. It is a very powerful drive to enjoy more of life (since life feels great) and become active.

When they are afraid, many people tend to undertake less, to isolate themselves and they become passive. Clearly, such feelings are very negative and in such a mindset, no one can ever feel happy, not to mention about the possible health related issues.

So, is the best way to become happy to overcome your fears? To some extent it is, as less fear means fewer inhibitions. The best way to be happy is to be alive, and to get there, you have to feel alive first. Of course, this does not mean that ignoring fear is a good solution, as fear has a function of self-preservation, but there are ways of accepting your fears and managing them. My advice to you is: live! Take chances without putting yourself unnecessarily at risk! Enjoy and be happy about what you have instead of being unhappy about what you do not have!

Rainy Season Scraps, glitter, and pictures
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