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I was always taught to always act happy no matter how I feel mentally. I was raised to keep all my feelings and 'bad' emotions to myself especially around family. I was taught that no one really cares how I always act happy. Sad? Keep it to yourself. Angry? Keep it to yourself. Someone put you down and you want to tell them that? Keep that to yourself too. Everything is always peachy-keen even if my world is crumbling at that moment. I can't rock the boat and telling people my true feelings. Always act happy like there is nothing wrong, don't cause waves. I'm tired of acting this way. Now that I'm an adult, I know that internalizing all those bad feelings and emotions is BAD for me. It causes stress, depression, hopelessness and many other things. I realize that internalizing everything just makes my mental health worse. I'm trying to break out of that mentality. I'm not going to hurt people, but if I'm sad or mad or depressed..I'm going to tell you because until now I still have a hard time telling people what or how I am feeling.