Whether we like it or not mathematics is part of our life already and no matter where we go, we will inevitably stumble upon numbers, and mathematical calculations (discounts, changes, calculations, etc.). In our pursuit in attaining education we need to overcome mathematics, from kinder to college. Subjects in mathematics like Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry (Plane and Spherical), Probability and Statistics, and Calculus (Differential and Integral), seemed difficult to overshadow for many. Moreover mathematics is thoroughly employed in science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Thermodynamics and many more field of endeavors.

But why we need to study mathematics and if possible master it, here are some reasons why:
Mathematics enhances your logic reasoning which is essential in studies. You will be able to understand further other allied subjects, have a full grasp of programming codes and deal with intricate and complex problems easier.
Mathematics helps you become mature, as it furthers your decision making skills. Mathematics makes you a consummate decision maker since it taught and trained you to think deeper and come up with sound and concrete solutions.
You can apply the things you learn in mathematics in real life, to gain profit, and prevent losses. Mixture, money, and simple interest problems for instance can aid you with your business undertakings. And if you are an accountant or at least a graduate of this course, you are a capable of running a business.
You need to master mathematics if you want to bolster your chance of passing examinations (board licensure examinations and the likes). If you want to be an engineer or accountant you must have a solid background in mathematics to pull through.
For obvious reason, mathematics is part of the program of school’s curriculum if you want to have a diploma; you need to at least earn a passing grade and if you can carve out a high grade then that is better.
If you are good in mathematics it is mostly likely that you are capable of excelling in other fields of expertise. Mathematics provides you a higher form of learning that will improve your critical thinking skills understanding which are vital in learning and acquiring necessary skills.
Mathematics develops positive values like perseverance, resilience, persistence, and patience.
Once you acquired the knowledge you need and eventually utilized these as wisdom, the things you learned in mathematics will never forsake you it will be stored in your brain for a lifetime. In turn, you can help out younger people including your kids with their assignments as years goes by and provide them tutorials as well.
It provides you satisfaction and joy. The feeling you will have in getting the correct answers (especially the difficult ones will give you delight in your heart, which is priceless).
You need mathematics when you are already employed or tending to your business.
Now you have an idea why you need to perform well in mathematics since it is so important in one’s existence. There’s no doubt that mathematics may play a crucial role in attaining success.