Are you rich? If you dare to say NO, I'll use a hammer and knock your head really, really hard to get some senses into you.
You are RICH, very, very RICH. Let me explain to you.
First, let us assume that you are alive. In this case, there're trillions and trillions of little busy cells running up and down your body. They are your little busy friends, doing their best to keep you alive. You are RICH with all the cells that want you to enjoy life!
Second, let us assume that you want to keep alive. The bare minimum that you must do, no matter how lazy you are, is to eat, sleep, drink and breathe every day. You are RICH with the abilities to enjoy eating, sleeping, drinking and breathing. God, fortunately, does not tax you $1 for every intake of air
Third, let us assume that you love and are loved by somebody. You are RICH with love. And love fortunately is FREE. You do not need to pay tax to love anyone. No government dares to require payment for permit in order for you to love your parents, friends, children and pets. If you think you don't love anyone or are loved by anyone, then LOVE yourself. Tell yourself how great you are, how smart you are, how loving you are, how everyone in the whole wide world is secretly in love with you. Perhaps not everyone, I can only guarantee that the mosquito loves you. Love the world around you, love the birds that make so much noise in the morning and evening, love the cats, love the blue sky or love the starry heaven.
Fourth, let's assume that your brain is still capable of thinking and dreaming. You are RICH with your dreams. If you don't think you are rich materially, then make yourself RICH in your dreams. You do sleep every night, don't you? Good, then dream of yourself as the MOST IMPORTANT RICHEST man/woman. Out of 24 hours, at least there are 8 hours in which you are THE RICHEST man/woman in the world.
Lastly, you are RICH in whatever ways you think you are RICH. Maybe you are RICH in gossips. Maybe you are RICH in material wealth. Maybe you are RICH in grey and/or white hairs. Maybe you are RICH spiritually. Maybe you are RICH in wisdom.
Definitely you are RICH in worries and problems (ME too, ME too, in fact I am TOO RICH in these. I'm perfectly willing to donate some of the worries and problems to make you even RICHER).
You know how RICH you are!